The colors of aluminum windows #doorsandwindows #design #color #aluminum

How colours are made and applied?

The color variants of Premium 86 aluminum windows are created as a result of two processes - powder coating and sublimation. The first of them makes it possible to obtain profiles in many RAL colors (matt or structured). Sublimation, on the other hand, makes it possible to create wood options, thanks to which the aluminum carpentry acquires a natural character. Fashionable grays, bold shades of red or warm imitations of wood ensure that the structure will match the planned interior layout of the room and the look of the entire building.

Some of the VST options:

Although we have over 200 colors to offer, here are just a few.

Wooden structure or aluminum structure, no compromise on quality:

When choosing the colors of your doors and windows, it is essential to take into account the aesthetics and harmony of your outdoor space. Colors can have a significant impact on the overall look of your home. If you're looking for a classic, timeless look, opt for neutral hues like off-white or light gray. These colors blend well with almost any architectural style. For a touch of personality, dare bright and bold shades. Don't forget to consider the environment, lighting and overall style of your home to create a harmonious balance.

If you want to adopt a modern and contemporary style, you can opt for monochromatic and refined colors, such as black, anthracite gray or pure white. These minimalist colors will highlight the clean lines and modern materials of your openings. You can also consider metallic shades like brushed aluminum to add a touch of sophistication and luxury. The modern style emphasis is on simplicity and visual consistency, so be sure to choose colors that blend harmoniously with the rest of your facade and exterior design.

The choice of colors is dictated most often by the tastes of the owners, but also by the style of the house. In the choice of colors, trends will evolve over the years. However, with the passage of time, the common denominator will remain, which cannot afford to be variable: quality, durability, thermal performance, acoustic performance. For the consumer, choosing a product that meets his needs both in terms of style, its intrinsic qualities, but also in terms of the functionality of the openings requires the services of a company whose values are focused on customer service. . That's actually what we have to offer you at VST. Also, whatever the shape, the color of your openings, we have it. But above all at VST, service during and after the sale will remain at the heart of our priorities.

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